Proposed South Milford Historic District Contributing Buildings

South Main Street

Site- Huron River and its mill ponds from River Road on the east to Peters Road on the west.

Site- Wells Brothers Foundry, east side of Main Street on south bank of Huron River. Moved to this site from North Main Street in 1865. Razed in 1910. Parking lot now on site. Historical marker.

125- One-story steel frame cement-block and yellow brick commercial building. Rounded corners on the front.  Large two-story metal addition.  1941

210- Significant structure. See narrative.

218- Significant structure. See narrative.

222- Significant structure. See narrative.

314- Two-story wood frame, vinyl-sided, cross-gabled house.  Textured cement-block foundation and porch.  Gabled porch with tapered square wood, vinyl-clad porch columns. New fish-scale shingles in gables.  1909

318- Story-and-a-half wood frame, wood- and shingle-sided Bungalow. Textured cement- block foundation and porch.  Porch across front with tapered square wood pillars. Wide dormers on front and back of roof.  Original window sash throughout.  1926

324- Significant structure. See narrative.

325- Two-story wood frame, aluminum-sided Italianate cube. Two-story wing on north, one-story rear wing. 2/2 windows.  1877

426- Two-story wood frame, vinyl-sided side-gabled Greek Revival house. One-story wing on north, one-story rear wing. Return eaves.  ca.1858

433- Story-and-a-half wood frame, vinyl-sided front-gabled Greek Revival house. Retains return eaves, gable moldings and entablatures. One-story wing on north and small one-story wing on rear.  1847

505- Story-and-a-half wood frame, vinyl-sided side-gabled house. One-story wing on south. Front porch.  1848

515- Story-and-a-half wood frame, vinyl-sided side-gabled house. One-story wing on south.  Enclosed porch on front. May have been Greek Revival.  1853

515- Wood frame early carriage barn.  19th Century

519- Story-and-a-half wood frame, aluminum-sided Victorian Gothic house. One-story wing on south. Enclosed porch.  ca. 1871

615- Story-and-a-half wood frame, wood-sided side-gabled Victorian Gothic house. Cross gable on front. Full width front porch with decorative columns.   1882

615- Two early wood frame outbuildings.  19th Century

Huron Street


125- Two-story wood frame, vinyl-sided gabled-ell house. One-story rear wing. 6/6 windows. Porch in ell.  1869

125- Wood frame, wood-sided barn.

300- Story-and-a-half wood frame, wood-sided side-gabled commercial building, formerly railroad depot. Three through-the-cornice dormers. Original bay on east.  1871

305- Story-and-a-half wood frame, vinyl-sided side-gabled Greek Revival house. Shed-roof addition on rear. Porch on front. Eyebrow windows.  1846

335- One-story wood frame, wood-sided Greek Revival house with side gable on west and front gable on south. Return eaves and wide trim in front gable.  1846

Site- Ruggles saw mill, first mill in Milford. On southwest bank of Huron River, north of East Huron Street. Built in 1832, destroyed after 1856. Potential for archaeological investigation.

Site- Armstrong grist mill. On northeast bank of Huron River, north of East Huron Street. Across from site of Ruggles saw mill. Built in 1839, used as slaughter house in 1870’s, destroyed in 19th Century. Potential for archaeological investigation.


124- Two-story wood frame, aluminum-sided American Foursquare. Hipped roof with hip-roofed gable in front. Textured cement-block foundation and porch. 1926

135- One-story wood frame, wood-sided front-gabled house. Small projecting wing on west. Gabled porch with tapered square columns on front. Shingles in gables. Textured cement-block foundation.  1925

212- One-story wood frame, wood-sided front-gabled house. Projecting enclosed entry. Textured cement-block foundation. Gabled wing on west.  1930

212- Wood frame barn, probably originally belonging to 218 W. Huron.  19th Century

218- Wood frame, vinyl-sided two-story front-gabled upright with two-story west wing. West wing was original house with long rear wing, Greek Revival returns. East upright was added in 1887.  1839

224- Story-and-a-half wood frame, side-gabled aluminum-sided Bungalow. Enclosed porch with cobblestone foundation and supports. Gabled dormer in roof front. House is on site of 1845 Presbyterian Church and the two large evergreens in front stood in front of that church.  1922

300- Story-and-a-half side-gabled wood frame, aluminum-sided house with shed-roof rear addition. Small enclosed front porch. Cobblestone foundation.  1839

334- Story-and-a-half front-gabled wood frame, wood-sided house. Much remodeled.  1839

Site- Public Square, established in 1837 when Mead’s Addition was platted. Now called Southside Park. Green expanse with large trees and recently constructed log house. Playground equipment. Fire station on NW corner. 1837

335- Significant structure. See narrative.  1874

400- Story-and-a-half wood frame, wood- and stucco-sided side-gabled Bungalow. Enclosed brick front porch. Dormer in roof front. Wood frame garage of period of house. Wood frame chicken house.  1919

414- Significant structure. See narrative.  1871

420- Two-story wood frame, wood-sided Italianate cube with hipped roof. Six-over-six windows with shutters. Projecting bay and enclosed porch on west. Stone carriage step with name of builder in rear. House was remodeled in 1930.   1860

531- Two-story wood frame, asbestos-sided front-gabled Late Victorian. Enclosed front porch. Small one-story wing on east.  ca. 1881

532- Story-and-a-half wood frame, vinyl-sided front-gabled house with one-story rear wing. Former tannery.  1844

General Motors Road

506- Two-story wood frame, wood-sided crossed-gable house. Through-the-cornice dormer on west front.. Drip moldings on windows. Moved westward and remodeled in 1941.  before 1843

514- Story-and-a-half wood frame, wood shingle-sided gabled-ell. Bracketed hoods over both front entries. Five very old evergreens in front yard.  1845

524- Two-story wood frame, wood-sided gabled-front Greek Revival house. Gable moldings and return eaves. Entry framed by Asher Benjamin style pilasters. Early side porch now enclosed. One-story addition on west.  1846

Washington Street


104- Two-story wood frame, wood-sided gabled-ell Victorian Gothic. Porch in ell. 4/4 windows with drip moldings. New one-story wing on northwest corner. One-story rear wing. Small grove of large old evergreens on west.  1868

119- Two-story wood frame, wood-sided front-gabled upright with story-and-a-half wing Greek Revival. Enclosed porch in ell. Gable moldings, return eaves and entablatures with eyebrow windows. One-story rear wing. Cobblestone foundation.  1867

124- Two-story wood frame, wood-sided Victorian Gothic front-gabled upright with story-and-a-half wing. Shed-roof rear addition. Four-over-four windows. Textured cement-block enclosed porch in ell.  1871


215 - Wood frame, asbestos-sided Greek Revival. Story-and-a-half front-gabled center part with projecting one-story wings on east and west. Area between side wings now enclosed. Two-story wing on rear, probably raised from early one-story wing. Return eaves, some 9/6 windows and cobblestone foundation Small wood garage with one-panel door and barn-type doors, probably formerly a small barn.   1842

223- One-story wood frame, wood-sided cross-gabled house. Attached garage.  1900

309- One-story wood frame, aluminum-sided house. Projecting enclosed entry. Textured cement-block foundation.  Ca. 1928

313- Story-and-a-half wood frame, wood-sheathed, wood-sided gabled-front Greek Revival. Early side-gabled wing across rear. Returns removed, but placement still visible. Four-over-four windows. 1839

335- Two-story wood frame, aluminum-sided gambrel-roofed house. Formerly a barn. Enclosed front porch. Textured cement-block foundation. One-story gabled wing on west.   Ca. 1870/1937

401- Two-story wood frame, wood-, asbestos- and vinyl-sided side-gabled house. Textured cement-block porch across front, with cement-block and square wood columns. Two-story addition on west.    1870

431- Two-story wood frame, vinyl-sided front-gabled upright with story-and-a-half wing. Enclosed porch in ell with cross gable above. One-story shed-roof addition on rear. 1930’s-style garage.  1872

Dean Street

319- Story-and-a-half wood frame, asbestos-sided, side-gabled house with shed-roof rear addition. One-story wing on south. Small porches on front and in southeast corner of south wing. Faces Public Square. First frame house in village. 1836

320-  Story-and-a-half wood frame, aluminum-sided side-gabled Greek Revival house. Two one-story wings on rear. Return eaves removed. Front porch with square wood columns.  before 1844

320- One-story wood frame, board-and-batten-sided barn. Very original but much deteriorated.  19th Century

Oakland Street

110- Story-and-a-half wood frame, vinyl-sided gabled-T Victorian Gothic. Porch in ell with scrolled wood baluster and scrolled wood rail above. Cross gable above porch. Scrolled wood trim in all gables. Bay windows on east and north with pediments above and panels below. Paired windows with drip moldings and triangular peak.  1872

116- Story-and-a-half wood frame, vinyl-sided side-gabled Victorian Gothic. Cross gable on front with Eastlake trim. 4/4 windows.  ca. 1872

119- Two-story wood frame, wood-sided front-gabled Victorian Gothic with story-and-a-half wing. One-story wing on rear. Porch in ell. 4/4 windows.  1871/72

Water Street

113- Two-story wood frame, wood-sided front-gabled Greek Revival with one-story wing. Shed-roof addition on wing. Return eaves and entablature. Textured concrete-block enclosed porch in ell. Moved from S. Main St. in 1874.  1842

204- Two-story wood frame, aluminum-sided upright Victorian Gothic with one-story wing. Enclosed gabled cobblestone porch and cobblestone chimney. One-story rear wing.  1871

Clinton Street

227- One-story wood frame, aluminum-sided front-gabled Craftsman-Bungalow house. Entry on side. Extended and elaborated rafter ends on gables. Two small gables on south side.  1925

Peters Road

Site- Fuller Grist Mill. First grist mill in Milford. Built by Luman Fuller in 1834, razed in 1911. Site now under water of Hubbell Pond which was created in 1911. Historical marker.

Site- Peters Woolen Mill. Built in 1840’s by Jacob Peters, third owner of Fuller Grist Mill. Razed in 1911 when Hubbell Pond was created. Site now under water. Historical marker.

138- One-story wood frame, wood-sided side-gabled building. Lower level is made of a primitive cement and raised above ground. Chimney is of same material. Raised porch on front, facing river. Former cooperage.  Ca. 1840’s

211- One-story wood frame, aluminum- and cobblestone-sided remodeled Greek Revival house. Extension added on west. First floor, front porch, side entry, chimney and one-story wing on east all covered with cobblestones. Large hip-roofed dormer on roof of west extension.  Former miller’s house.  Ca. 1840’s

Second Street

104- Significant structure. See narrative

Non-Contributing Structures

South Main Street, Non-Contrib.

106- One-story concrete block, gable-ended wood and aluminum-sided commercial building.  Back wing aluminum-sided.  1945  

120- One-story concrete block, wood- and brick-faced office building.  1966

204- Two buildings.  Two-story wood frame, brick veneer commercial buildings.  Much remodeled.  1845/1860’s

211- One-story concrete block, wood sided commercial building.  One-story concrete block wing.  1940

224- One-story concrete block commercial building.  1958

303- One-story concrete block, brick front commercial building.  1955

425- One-story wood frame, vinyl-sided gable-ended house.  1988

605- Story-and-a-half wood frame, vinyl-sided Victorian Gothic house. One-story wing on south. Recessed entry with gable above. Two early wood frame outbuildings.  1871

Huron Street, Non-Contrib.


104- One-story concrete block commercial building.  1955

115- One-story concrete block commercial building.  1976

300- Large concrete-block front-gabled commercial building.  1991

313-315- Two-story concrete block commercial building. Large wing on rear.  1967


120- One-story brick faced concrete block commercial building.  1956

105- One-story concrete block commercial building. One-story wing.  1965

134- One-story concrete block brick faced commercial building.  1965

320- Two-story wood frame, wood-sided, cube-shaped house. Hip-roofed. Attached garage.  1993

325- Concrete block gable-ended fire station with five roof dormers.  1959

508- Wood frame, wood-sided tri-level. Enclosed porch. Attached garage.  1976

512- Wood frame, vinyl- and stucco-sided tri-level. Front porch. Attached garage.  1976

516- Wood frame, vinyl- and brick-faced tri-level. Front porch. Attached garage.  1976

520- Wood frame, wood-sided tri-level. Front porch. Attached garage.  1976

524- Wood frame, vinyl- and stucco-sided tri-level. Front porch. Attached garage.  1976

Mill Street, Non-Contrib.

311- Story-and-a-half cross-gabled, aluminum-sided day care center.  1949

114- Two-story wood frame brick- and vinyl-faced house. Attached garage.  1972

Story-and-a-half concrete block house. Gabled dormer in roof front.  1941


101- Two-story front-gabled wood frame, aluminum-sided, stone-faced house. One-story wings on south and west.  1846

112- Two-story wood frame, vinyl-sided Victorian Gothic house. One-story wings on north and west. Extensively remodeled.  Ca. 1870’s

115- Story-and-a-half wood frame, asbestos-sided side-gabled house. Large evergreen tree remaining from earlier 1860’s house formerly on site.  1945

128- One-story wood frame, aluminum-sided, hip-roofed house.  1948

181- One-story wood frame, wood- and vinyl-sided side-gabled house. Projecting attached garage.  1987

212- One-story brick front-gabled hip-roofed house.  1935

325- Story-and-a-half wood frame, aluminum-sided side-gabled house.  1977

409- Two-story wood frame, vinyl-sided house. Two-story porch on front. Two-story rear addition. Extensively remodeled.  Before 1843

Dean Street, Non-Contrib.

310- Story-and-a-half wood frame, wood-sided side-gabled house. Three gabled dormers in roof front.  1976

Oakland Street, Non-Contrib.

111- One-story wood frame, aluminum-sided side-gabled manufactured house.  1972

114- Two-story wood frame, vinyl-sided house with attached garage. 1995

115- One-story wood frame, vinyl-sided side-gabled house. Front projecting attached garage.  1985

Water Street, Non-Contrib.

150- One-story wood frame, vinyl-sided side-gabled house.  1960

Clinton Street, Non-Contrib.

216- Two-story wood frame, vinyl-sided front-gabled upright with one-story wing. Enclosed porch. One-story wing on rear.  Extensively remodeled.  1845

219- Two-story wood frame, aluminum-sided house. Small one-story wing on north. Full-width porch on front. Extensively remodeled.  1872

222- One-story wood frame, vinyl-sided cross-gabled house.  1967

234- Two-story brick apartment building.  1969

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