Building the Ford Carburetor Plant
The year was 1938 and Henry Ford’s program to support small-towns in Michigan by
placing Ford manufacturing plants in them was in full swing. Ford decided to build
a plant in Milford, Michigan to produce carburetors. In order to power the plant
he also committed to building a low-head power plant on Pettibone Creek. The articles
that are catalogued on the right were written during this project and appeared in
the Milford Times. They chronicle the building of the plant and the Pettibone Creek
Powerhouse, especially the building of the flume to supply water to the powerhouse.
They have been scanned from copies produced off the microfilm archive of the Milford
Times. They appear in chronological order, from January 1938 until December, 1938
when the plant began producing carburetors.
Milford Times Articles
01-04-1938(1) - Progress Noted in Ford Projects at Moore's Lake(Part1)
01-04-1938(2) - Progress Noted in Ford Projects at Moore’s Lake (Part2)
01-28-1938 - Work to Resume in Construction of New Ford Factory
02-02-1938 - Pouring of Floor at Ford Factory
03-04-1938 - Ready for Concrete on Flume Head
03-18-1938 - First Steel Arrives
04-29-1938 - Moore's Lake Nearly up to New Level
05-06-1938 - Steel Frame up for Ford Plant
05-20-1938 - More Earth Work at Ford Factory
06-10-1938 - Brick Walls Partly up at Ford Plant
06-17-1938 - Lots of Activity Now at New Ford Plant
07-01-1938 - Henry Ford Pays Brief Visit to New Plant
07-22-1938 - Drilling for New 12-inch Well at Ford Site
07-29-1938 - Seek 500 Gallon Well to Service Plant
08-05-1938 - First Equipment for Ford Factory Arrives
08-19-1938(1) - Construction of 3400 ft Steel Tube to be Started at Once (Flume)
- part 1
08-19-1938(2) - Construction of 3400 ft Steel Tube to be Started at Once (Flume)
- part 2
08-26-1938 - Contractors Start Work on 3400 ft Waterpower Flume
09-02-1938(1) - Two Mill Ponds Drained
09-02-1938(2) - Well-Known Spot has Changed
09-09-1938 - Exterior Brick Work Finished at Ford Plant
09-23-1938 - First Sections of Steel Pipeline Arrives
10-07-1938 - Shipment of Pipe Unloaded
10-21-1938 - Ford Motor Co Takes Registrations
10-28-1938(1) - Mr Ford Provides Social Science Instructions for Milford School Children
10-28-1938(2) - New Ford Plant Nears Completion
11-04-1938 - Pipe Laying Begun at Upper Mill Pond
11-11-1938 - Indications Point to Early Start at Ford Factory
11-25-1938(1) - First Carburetors come off the Line
11-25-1938(2) - Plant Begins Production
12-02-1938 - Daily Increase of Activity Prevails at Ford Plant